On the Page Layout Ribbon, in the Page Setup Group, click on the arrow next to the Breaks icon and select Next Page under the Section Breaks section. You have manually selected the section breaks. Click on the last line of the page before the page you want to have landscape orientation. Only the selected page or paragraph will get the landscape orientation. Next to ‘Apply to’, select ‘This Section’ and click ‘OK’ to end.

Click the Dialog Box Launcher under ‘Hyphenation’. Click the ‘Page Layout’ tab, click ‘Breaks Menu’, select ‘Next Page’. Place your cursor at the end of the section that you want to rotate. Do the same at the end of the section that you want to rotate. Place your cursor at the beginning of that section. Manually insert section breaks Insert a Section Break at the beginning of the section that you want to rotate. Next to ‘Apply to’, select ‘Selected Text’ and click ‘OK’ to end. You may want all your pages rotated in landscape or only one paragraph or page. Allow Word to insert sections First select the pages or paragraph whose orientation you wish to change. You can rotate to landscape (horizontal) in Word. You can also manually insert section breaks at the top and the bottom of the page that you want in another orientation. You can either select the page that you want in landscape and allow Word to insert the new sections for you.

Rotate only one page to landscape There are two ways to rotate only a specific page to landscape. OR click the Dialog Box Launcher under ‘Hyphenation’. Tutorial Rotate all pages to landscape Click the ‘Page Layout’ tab. In the following tutorial, we explain how you can rotate all pages in a Word document to landscape and how you can rotate only one page to landscape. It can also occur that you want only one paragraph or one page in landscape, for example if you have only one wide table or picture in a portrait oriented document. It can occur that you want all your pages in landscape, for example if you use wide tables or pictures that look better in landscape orientation. Add and Edit Page Numbers in Word Rotate to landscape in Word You can choose a portrait (vertical layout) or landscape (horizontal layout) orientation for your Word document.